Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media (Digital Icons) is an online publication that appears twice a year. The journal is a multi-media platform that explores new media as a variety of information flows, varied communication systems and networked communities. The main goal of the journal is to disseminate research on new media in the region across global communities of scholars, media practitioners and the general public.

Contributions to Digital Icons cover a broad range of topics related to the impact of digital and electronic technologies on politics, economics, society, culture and the arts in Russia, Eurasia and Central Europe. The journal publishes works that explore developments in information and communications technologies and their impact on the governance, economy and cultural life of the region. Submissions focusing on internet use and new media forms among the various diasporas of the region are also welcome.

Digital Icons publishes articles by scholars from a variety of academic backgrounds, as well as artists’ contributions, interviews, comments, reviews of books, digital films, animation and computer games, and and information on relevant cultural and academic events as well as any other forms of discussion of new media in the region. The journal is supported by the University of Leeds.

Peer Review

Digital Icons has a rigorous peer review process. All submissions are reviewed by members of the editorial and advisory board. In addition to this, all research articles are reviewed anonymously by two independent external experts.
When such research articles are published they are marked with a symbol of an eye . It means that the article was reviewed by the members of the Digital Icons editorial board as well as by at least two independent external experts.

Special Issues

In addition to regular issues, Digital Icons publishes special thematic issues investigating a specific aspect of new media usage in the region. Special issues are normally guest-edited and Digital Icons invites proposals for special issues in a variety of fields.

We aim to present the findings of original research in three languages: English, German and Russian. We hope to expand our language presentation in the future.

Digital Icons Editorial Team:

Founding Editor
Vlad Strukov (London)

Andrew H. Chapman (San Antonio)
Pedro Hernandez (London)
Gernot Howanitz (Innsbruck)

Editorial Board
Daria Ezerova (New York)
Christopher Fort (Ann Arbor)
Olga Kim (Pittsburgh)
Tatiana Klepikova (Toronto)
Mykola Makhortykh (Bern)
Galina Miazhevich (Cardiff)
Marianna Poberezhskaya (Nottingham Trent)
Saara Ratilainen (Helsinki)
Maya Vinokour (New York)
Mariëlle Wijermars (Maastricht)

Steering Committee
Sudha Rajagopalan (Amsterdam)
Henrike Schmidt (Berlin)
Vera Zvereva (Jyväskylä)

Advisory Board
Prof Stephen Coleman (University of Leeds)
Prof Françoise Daucé (University of Paris)
Prof Maria Engström (University of Dalarna)
Prof Alexander Etkind (European University Institute, Florence)
Prof Michael Gorham (University of Florida)
Prof Stephen Hutchings (University of Manchester)
Prof Frans Mäyrä (University of Tampere)
Prof Stephen M. Norris (Miami University Ohio)
Prof Benjamin Peters (University of Tulsa)
Prof Ellen Rutten (University of Amsterdam)
Robert A. Saunders (New York)
Prof Orlin Spassov (University of Sofia)
Prof Elena Trubina (Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg)
Prof Dirk Uffelmann (University of Gießen)


Dr Vlad Strukov, Editor
Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media (Digital Icons)
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
M. Sadler, University of Leeds, Woodhouse lane
Leeds LS2 9JT, the United Kingdom