A new feminist generation has emerged in Russia in the 2010s as a response to the increasingly conservative governmental politics and new legislation limiting the rights of both women and non-heterosexuals. The new generation of feminists continues to work around very similar questions than the previous generation, the women’s movement in the 1990s. Many activist goals, such as battling gendered violence and conservative gender and sexual norms, remain the same while the social conditions for activism have profoundly changed. If the women’s movement in the 1990s emerged in a political climate in which political opportunities were increasing after the demise of Soviet Union, the current movement has been activated in a reverse situation of shrinking political possibilities. Women’s NGOs in the 1990s also received considerable funding from foreign organizations in order to achieve their goals and promote democracy in the country whereas the activists today have much less economic resources to draw from. On the other hand, the internet and digital media provide the contemporary feminists a space to conduct a novel kind of activism — a possibility that the earlier generation did not have. Inna Perheentupa, who is currently finalizing her PhD on contemporary feminist politics in Russia, interviewed feminist activists from both generations in order to find out what feminism is about in Russia in the 2010s, what has changed since the 1990s, what digital communication has to offer?