Stephen Coleman is Professor of Political Communication at the Institute of Communication Studies of the University of Leeds. His main research interests are methods of political engagement; uses of digital media in representative democracies; intersections between popular culture and formal politics; political efficacy; political aesthetics, performance and rhetoric; literary and dramatic representations of politics; and forms of deliberation and decision-making. Together with Professor Ann Macintosh, he co-directs the Centre for Digital Citizenship, an interdisciplinary research centre which conducts research into the changing nature of citizenship and governance in a networked society. He is the author of The Media and the Public: Them and Us in Media Discourse with K. Ross (Oxford, 2010), The Internet and Democratic Citizenship: Theory, Practice and Policy with J.G. Blumler, J.G. (Cambridge, 2009), What Happens in Parliament (2001, London), and many other publications.