ISSN 2043-7633

Volia Davydik

Volia Davydik is an independent scholar. She holds Master’s degree in philosophy from the European Humanities University. Her recent publications include ‘Time of everyday life and pandemic’ (on digital research platform Sygma, 2020), ‘Transformations of the national in the context of regionalization and localization’ (in Topos, 2020). Her research fields include biopolitics, bioethics, actor-network theory, feminism, postcolonial studies, neocolonialism, soft resistance tactics, forms of collectivity and solidarity, anti-growth theory, economics of care. []

Latest Posts | By Volia Davydik
Features and Effects of the Digital Technologies in the Belarusian Protest

Features and Effects of the Digital Technologies in the Belarusian Protest

In the following article we aim to show, firstly, how IT and, more broadly, digital systems determine the specificity (both in a positive and negative sense) of Belarusian protests. And …
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